Do you live in or near to Ashford?
Would you like a cleaning job that provides flexibility but still gives you regular hours and regular pay?
Sound perfect for you ? Great, you've come to the right place.
Join Maid2Clean and commit the amount of hours to fit your lifestyle and get paid on the day you clean.
All we ask for in return is the ability to listen to client requirements, your close attention to detail and be reliable. Your commitment is necessary as you'll be visiting the same customers. This will allow you to build great relationships with our customers and you'll know exactly what they want but they will expect you to turn up at the agreed time and date.
Your own car is desirable but not mandatory as work is allocated based on postcodes you pick. The vacancy is self employed and you'll be allocated hours which can be built up by Maid2Clean receiving great continuous feedback from customers. If you are interested in this role we'd like to hear from you.
Salary: £13 - £14
Part Time Cleaner
From £13 per hour on a regular basis
Local work to Ashford, Kent - in postcodes: TN23, TN24