Molly Maid Comparison

How does our service compare?

Last updated: 2nd January 2025

Molly Maid Pricing & Costs vs Ours

Here's the differences:

ServiceOur PricesMolly Maid Prices
Weekly CleanInstant online quoteHome visit quotation 2
Fortnightly CleanInstant online quoteHome visit quotation 2
One Off CleanInstant online quoteHome visit quotation 2

Prices and costs do vary for both companies depending on area and service required. For the exact price of a Maid2Clean service in your area check our online form. There is no obligation to proceed (apart from getting a brilliant cleaner at an affordable price of course!)

MOLLY MAID is a registered trademark of
Molly Maid International Inc. (Canada)

Our Services Compared

To take into considerationOur ServiceMolly Maid
Trustpilot Rating 14.6/54.3/5
Amount of reviews 16,4155,650
Cleaners are vetted
Insurance is provided
Office is open until late 3
Evening cleans 4
Weekend cleans 4
Monthly cleans 4
Reputable company

Comparison accurate at time of publishing. Publish date: 24/05/19

TrustPilot ratings are updated automatically each day via TrustPilot API.

Comparison information taken directly from the website among other reputable websites, all of which are listed below:

1 TrustPilot rating & review count sources: TrustPilot: Molly Maid, TrustPilot: Maid2Clean
2 Pricing information source: Prices
3 Office opening times source: Google Maps: Molly Maid, Maid2Clean FAQs
4 Evening/weekend cleaning sources: Working for Molly Maid, Indeed: Molly Maid, Maid2Clean FAQs

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Maid2Clean provides completely transparent pricing across the UK, to find how much a particular type of cleaning service costs in your area proceed by entering your full postcode below.

Why Maid2Clean?

  • Over 4 million house cleans to date
  • Affordable rates
  • Reputable UK agency
  • Reference checked local cleaners
  • Insurance coverage provided
  • Interview cleaner before starting
  • Top rated cleaning services
  • 91% of clients recommend us
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